THE story of an eight-year-old girl from Penang, Jette Joelle Darryl-Lim, who aspired to pursue an A-Level education, has found a heartwarming resolution, thanks to the generous support of Persatuan Kebajikan 88 Kapten Pulau Pinang, better known as 88 Captains. Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, in a way, played a pivotal role in turning her […]
Timely aid for 8-year-old girl to study A-Levels
Launching of 5G Digital Library for 88 schools in Penang by CM. Providing each school with a modem, a server, 3 laptops & 5G internet line by Yes YTL. 88 Captains being the initiator of this project working together with OCBC Bank, YTL Communication, SNS networks, Intel & Penang Science Cluster providing total package of […]